What Are the Vital Issues That a Fuel Management System Can Solve?

Over the last two decades, the trucking industry has undergone numerous transformations. However, one thing remains unchanged: fuel management is still a burden for most fleet operators. 

As fuel price goes up, freight costs can quadruple. In return, high transportation costs result in increased customer tariffs, product cost escalation, underserving or route desertion, and consumer dissatisfaction. 

Controlling fuel expenses is one of the most difficult tasks in fleet management. At various points along the consumption chain, there are several types of fuel control systems: from a computerized fuel management system for vehicles to a card-based fuel management system for onsite fleet fueling, each manages a unique portion of fuel consumption. 

These fleet fuel management systems may help minimize fuel consumption and maximize cost savings by displaying where your money is going and notifying individual drivers that are consuming far more than the usual amount. 

Driver behavior has a significant impact on fuel consumption. 

Although fleet managers have been capable of enhancing individual vehicle economy with lightweight alloy wheels, reduced rolling resistance tires, and speed limiters, driver behavior remains the utmost key factor in minimizing fuel expense. 

Here are a few risky driving habits that compromise the safety of the driver and waste fuel: 

•    Hard acceleration and braking 
•    Speeding 
•    Engine Idling 
How do telematics-based tracking solutions improve fuel management? 

Today's real-time tracking telematics solutions give significant streams of data regarding the vehicle and the driver in perfect sync across high-speed wireless or cellular networks. Data from an integrated GPS, along with accelerometer data, offer details about kilometers traveled as well as how the vehicle is driven. 

Telematics-based fuel management eliminates the time-consuming and error-prone procedure of manually entering mileage and computing distance traveled. 

Furthermore, because the modern fuel management system is cloud-connected, fuel data from the fleet of vehicles can be gathered and evaluated instantaneously. By analyzing fuel statistics for all vehicles in one go, it is feasible to determine which vehicles use more fuel on average than others.
•    Discover Inefficient Driving Habits 
•    Identifying Faulty Vehicles 
Increase Fuel Economy by Utilizing Fuel Management System 

Are you ready to act now to improve your fleet's performance and efficiency? After you have maintained the problematic vehicles, it is time to correct your driving behavior. We examined a variety of fuel-saving measures and discovered that driver behavior can reduce fuel consumption by up to 37 %. 

Train drivers on the fundamentals of economical driving skills, such as turning off the engine rather than idling it needlessly, gently starting and stopping, preparing for the future, and riding at a safe speed. Fleet management can use precise data on driver behavior to educate the other drivers on highly defensive driving, allowing them to understand how to operate more smoothly and efficiently. 

For example, demonstrate to a driver that speeding not only consumes more fuel but is also a serious vehicle safety threat and that speeding is not at all legal. 

Why is a fuel monitoring system important for your business? 

A telematics-based fuel management system helps businesses significantly reduce fuel expenditures and enhance efficiency by delivering precise, up-to-date data on specifically how your vehicles are used. The most effective systems integrate telematics data to assist you in more accurately identifying driver behavior and activities and comprehending what is happening in real-time. 

All modern fleet monitoring technologies enable monitoring software that provides detailed insight into the overall fuel economy of the fleet and instantly identifies which drivers and vehicles are accountable for excessive fuel consumption. 

You can evaluate and control the functioning of your business fleet once you get accurate data from fleet fuel systems. You can verify the fuel costs effectively by spotting vehicles that require maintenance and drivers that require training. 

Do you want to use tracking telematics to enhance fuel economy in your fleet? Request a customized demo to understand how VTPL tracking products and services can empower your business. 


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