India celebrates a 77-Year Journey - Technologically and Democratically Independent

As India marks its 77th year of independence this year, it is a momentous occasion to reflect on the phenomenal journey the country has taken since 1947. Since 1950, India has been a federated republic administered by a democratic parliamentary government. It is a multicultural, multilingual, and multi-ethnic society.  

Starting from then and there, India's progress and achievements have been nothing short of astounding, from a nation that battled tirelessly for its independence to a global force in science and technology. 

This blog delves into the story of India's remarkable journey of independence and the strides it has made in the realm of science and technology over the last 76 years. 

Technology in Ancient India 

If we define technology as a human means of influencing the material world around us, the first stone tools in the Indian subcontinent date back over two million years. Moving forward in time, from the Neolithic revolution around 9,000 years ago to the period of the Indus or Harappan civilization between 2600 and 1900 BCE, every element of human life in India revolved around a form of technology. 

Ancient Indian mathematicians made significant contributions to the field of mathematics. Ancient Indian scriptures originally established the concept of zero, which is now fundamental in mathematics. Aryabhata, an ancient mathematician, and astronomer, pioneered trigonometry and computed the value of pi with astonishing precision.  

Indian contribution to modern technology does not end here. Further India invented The Decimal System, Numerical Notations, Binary Numbers, Chakravala Method of Algorithms, and Ruler Measurements.  

Long before Hippocrates, Charaka constructed the Charaka Samhita, which is regarded as one of the foundational books of Ayurveda and traditional Indian medicine. Sushruta Samhita, written by Sushruta in the sixth century BC, is regarded as one of the most thorough textbooks on ancient surgery. The most well-known contribution of the Sushruta Samhita to plastic surgery is nose reconstruction, generally known as Rhinoplasty. Nagarjuna is thought to be an alchemist who experimented extensively with mercury and supported the use of chemical therapies rather than herbal and vegetable mixes. 

Significant Scientific and Technological Advances in India - Post Independence 

India's First Prime Minister, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru labored hard to modernize the country's economy and bring it into the nuclear age as soon as possible. As India marks the 76th anniversary of its independence, we shall look back on the noteworthy scientific and technological phenomena-  

Agriculture and Farming 

According to estimates from the government, the agriculture sector accounts for approximately 18% of India's GDP and employs nearly 65% of the total workforce. Many aspects of agriculture, such as fertilizers, pesticides, seed technology, and so on, benefit from advanced technology.  

One of the turning points in India's post-independence journey was the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution, driven by the use of high-yielding crop varieties, modern agricultural techniques, and better irrigation systems, transformed India into a self-sufficient food producer.  

Space Exploration and Scientific Prowess 

India's journey in space exploration began in the early 1960s, and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) played a pivotal role in putting India on the global space map. In 1975, India successfully launched its first satellite, Aryabhata, marking the nation's entry into the space race. Since then, ISRO has achieved numerous milestones, including successful missions to the Moon and Mars. 

The Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) of 2014, where India became the first Asian nation to reach Martian orbit, was a historic feat that showcased India's scientific prowess and cost-effectiveness in space missions. 

Army and Defence 

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) was established in 1958 to defend India's frontiers with more advanced defence technology. Since then, DRDO has created a number of significant programs and critical technology, including aircraft, small and large armaments, artillery systems, electronic warfare (EW) systems, tanks and armored vehicles, sonar systems, command and control systems, and missile systems. 

The Seeds of Technological Advancement in the last 76 years 

Post-independence, India faced numerous challenges, but the nation was determined to build itself on the foundations of progress and development. The government recognized the importance of science and technology as vital tools for economic growth and societal advancement. Initiatives were taken to invest in education, research, and technology-driven industries. 

In the early years, India focused on setting up institutes of excellence such as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). These institutions soon became beacons of knowledge, producing brilliant minds that would go on to shape India's technological future. 

One of the significant events that spurred the nation's development was the establishment of the first Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in 1951, in Kharagpur, West Bengal, by the then-minister of education, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. With the assistance of the Soviet Union, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) advanced India's space aspirations while also advancing the country's nuclear program. 

As India experienced economic reforms, a new chapter on globalization and economic integration was written in 1991. On August 15, 1995, Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL), a government-owned telecommunications service provider (later acquired by the Tata Group and renamed Tata Communications), launched Internet services for the general public, the nation's growth accelerated noticeably. 

In August 1984, Rajiv Gandhi is hailed as the 'Father of Information Technology and Telecom Revolution of India as he established the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) under his tenure to develop revolutionary telecommunication technology and meet the needs of the Indian telecommunication network. 

In addition, India produced several missile and rocket systems, remotely piloted vehicles, light combat aircraft, and so on. Brahmos is an excellent example of Indian technological capability.  

In July 2015, the Indian government launched the "Digital India" program to improve Internet infrastructure and expand civilian internet access. At this point, the average Indian began to communicate digitally with people in developed countries to share knowledge, get insight into various cultures, and generate new ideas.  

Currently, India is rated 40th out of 132 in the World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) Global Innovation Index (GII) 2022 rankings. In India, Bangalore is the greatest IT hub and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is the country's largest IT company in terms of sales and market capitalization.  

The Digital Age of India 

The advent of the digital age brought about a massive transformation in India's technological landscape. India's IT industry rapidly gained momentum, becoming a global leader in software services and outsourcing. The rise of Indian tech giants like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys, and Wipro has been nothing short of extraordinary. These companies not only brought global recognition to India but also generated employment opportunities and contributed significantly to the nation's economy. 

However, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, greater numbers of individuals are now using the internet for a variety of purposes, increasing value while reducing the stress of travel. Data and AI, according to projections, might add up to USD 500 billion to India's GDP by 2025. 

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics will all play significant roles in determining the country's next decade of growth. This has also resulted in an immense volume of data, which will only increase with the forthcoming 5G environment. 

The Future of Tech in India – A New Chapter  

As India celebrates 77 years of independence, it stands tall as a nation that has overcome numerous challenges and achieved remarkable growth in the fields of science and technology. From its struggle for independence to its space missions and technological innovations, India's journey has been marked by resilience, innovation, and a thirst for progress.  

By achieving a consistent growth rate of 7 to 7.5 percent over the next 25 years, India is on track to become an upper-middle-income country by 2047. And at this rate of growth, India might reach a 20 trillion-dollar economy by 2047. 

This was stated by Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, during the release of 'The Competitiveness Roadmap for India@100'. With a GDP of 2.7 trillion dollars, India is currently the world's sixth-largest economy and is considered a developing country. 

India’s 14th Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set the ambitious goal of transforming India into a developed nation by 2047, indicating a relatively high level of economic growth, a general standard of living, and higher per capita income, as well as performing well on the Human Development Index (HDI), which includes education, literacy, and health. 

As we look back with pride, we must also embrace the future with optimism, knowing that India's potential for even greater achievements remains boundless. Happy Independence Day to all Indians. May the spirit of progress continue to guide our nation's path in the years to come. 


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